What Our Website is About

The team behind BlendedRetirementSystem.com are all veterans who have served in the US military. Our objective is simple, “Provide the best resources to DoD servicemembers and their families about the Blended Retirement System.”

We want to answer the most common questions and provide the best resources for DoD servicemembers. Questions we field include:


With the change in military retirement and the information from the government as boring as being at the armory at 0400, our hope is to provide easy to read, easy to understand resources that are actually enjoyable to read. However, in no way do we want to sell you a service or product. If all we do is get DoD servicemembers and their families engaged in discussing the Blended Retirement System, then we will consider that a win.

For the easiest guide out there today to understand and get educated, find the government generated Guide to the Uniformed Services Blended Retirement System.

There are also other good resources, beyond our small blog such as:

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